Jennifer and Janna
New Year’s Resolutions are so exciting! They’re full of promise, a plan of being better, doing better, and challenging yourself to be the best person possible! That is exactly what I sound like on December 31st…
And then January 15 rolls around. I either didn’t write my resolutions down or I can’t find them, and, technically, I am the same person I was last year. So, no one was more surprised than me when a Pilate’s studio opened up on Gilbert and Ocotillo last January and I signed up for a free, 1/2 hour Demo Class, (now called Intro Class). I had always wanted to try Pilates and now I could cross two things off my mental Resolution list – bettering my mind AND body. That’s all it took. After that first 1/2 hour, I was hooked. I excitedly walked out of the studio with a membership I actually use. It is the first exercise I’ve enjoyed since I became an adult and had to quit softball at 40, (no injuries – just an overwhelming desire to scream when a ball was hit at me and jump out of the way. Suddenly, I was not the team favorite).
Therefore, when I thought of the best way to start off my New Year’s business blog, I couldn’t think of a better person to interview than my Pilates Instructor, Janna Webster at Club Pilates Chandler. She pushes me further than I thought I could go, I always feel challenged and I leave feeling like I can take on the world. I am celebrating my 1 year anniversary at Club Pilates Chandler this month and Janna is a big reason why!
Jennifer: Why did Club Pilates decide to open a Studio in South Chandler? What makes the area special?
Janna: There wasn’t a Pilates Studio in South Chandler and we found that people really wanted one.
Jennifer: How do you think Club Pilates benefits our community?
Janna: Club Pilates has very reasonable prices. It makes it affordable for the every day person to do it. And, there are different levels of packages so you can find the price and time that works for you.
Jennifer: What is your specialty as an instructor? What will people remember most about you?
Janna: I teach a West Coast style of Pilates. It’s more athletic and you don’t stop. I think what people will remember most about me is that my classes are upbeat and fun. I am also encouraging. I have a desire to help people reach their goals.
Jennifer: What makes Pilates different than Yoga?
Janna: Both Yoga and Pilates have strength and flexibility but Pilates lengthens the muscles and you gain muscles while it’s making you more flexible.
Jennifer: What has Pilates done for you personally? How has it changed you?
Janna: It has balanced my body and helped my posture. My hips used to hurt. They don’t anymore.
Jennifer: How large are the classes and do the classes vary?
Janna: The maximum class is 12 people and the average class is 8 – 12 people. You can take private and semi-private classes up to 3 people. The classes vary from stretch to TRX, traditional Pilates and interval training. There are also different levels of classes so it works for every fitness level.
Jennifer: What is the best way to sign up?
Janna: Come in for a 30 minute intro class. We will go over your injuries, needs, and goals.
Jennifer: Are you running any specials right now?
Janna: We are running Anniversary specials all month long. We have Gift Certificate give aways.
To find out more about Club Pilates Chandler and all the great classes Janna and the other instructors are giving, please visit their website at www.ClubPilates/Chandler.com or call the studio at 480-771-4459.

Planking at Pilates

Club Pilates Chandler Studio